Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Crystal Electric PV inverter sent solar power for Kadwa Patidar community

Crystal Electric brought green solar electricity for Kadwa Patidar communities in the UK. Kadwa Patidar community originally built by a member from India in 1975, and they work hard to raise funds for the construction of the community, to 1993, the community has been able to have a variety of cultural activities organized by the conditions, including religious festivals, sports events, cultural performances and more.

The community hall porch roof and install a total of 276 high-efficiency solar module, project totaling 69kW, could be generating over 200 degrees every day, not only to meet the community's electricity every day, but also for 85% of the electricity transmission grid. 4 three-phase PV inverter MPPT tracking with high accuracy and high conversion rate of the community to provide a steady stream of clean solar power, with an estimated annual generation 57000 degrees. From energy conservation, government subsidies and sell electricity generating revenue, the annual total of about earns £ 11400. This calculation, the investment can be recovered in seven years.

Peter the manager of the community project is very satisfied: "The community in people's daily life plays an important role in people's wedding here, meetings, visits to the theater, to throw a party and so now they find these activities. solar power is the conversion, which is really amazing! "

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