Thursday, 6 November 2014

The core area's Carport of APEC meeting will use the solar thin-film power technology of Hina

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting will be held in Beijing on November 7. Hina recently announced that the core area of the APEC meeting carport use Hina "World leading Chinese wisdom made" thin-film solar power generation technology, not only to achieve energy saving and environmental protection, but also to achieve a light, beautiful, become a different kind within APEC venue landscape.

Today, high-speed operation of modern society, particularly in the construction, industrial, transportation three main areas of excessive energy consumption caused tremendous pressure on the environment, haze and other topics people become increasingly concerned about the current topic. Statistics show that the single is the proportion of total energy consumption of a building's total energy consumption in the country had more than 27% of building energy consumption in 2013 to 10 million tons of coal or more.

Hina believes the solar used in construction, development of thin film power generation building integrated (BIPV) to improve our energy level architectural significance. BIPV is a solar power generation system integrated in the roof of a building, wall, ceiling and other building technology solutions. This technique can cause buildings to fight for a separate building solar power plants to provide clean power supply.

Hina at the APEC meeting of the core area of the building is one of the main forms of photovoltaic carport realization of BIPV. The project uses Hina world's leading thin film solar power generation technology, high efficiency thin film power components are integrated in the shed roof, electricity for lighting and other electrical needs of the hair, to achieve self-occupied green electricity. Carport roof paved with thin-film solar power generation module also features a translucent, light inside the building to meet the needs.

Statistics show that the next five years China BIPV urban architecture can be applied to the area will reach 1.79 billion square meters, fully release the BIPV market for the equivalent of 52 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions contribute to reduce emissions 16 million vehicles. Faced with blue ocean market, Hina constant force, recently announced that its headquarters is located in Beijing's largest building-integrated thin-film generation (BIPV) projects a project completed and put into use. Also announced that, through the integration of global technology and independent research, Hina has become the design, development, production, integration, construction and operation and maintenance as one of BIPV solutions.

Hina headquarters BIPV project combines the building walls, corridor, skylights, flexible roof, carport and other BIPV integrated construction method, the total installed capacity of 3MW, an installed capacity of 600KW, resolves Group Headquarters 20% of energy demand, two completed will achieve 100% of the Group headquarters energy self-sufficiency. The project year 2500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to 140,000 species of trees, 780 to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions.

The most important feature of the project is a modern building while maintaining the original layout of the plane features the same premise, the introduction of a very futuristic design elements, building facade BIPV components using Dragon armor design, different shape, color, light transmittance with the use of solar thin-film modules, and based lighting, shading, ventilation and other functional requirements overall design. This design from the architectural point of view of aesthetics, highlighting features and innovative architecture, build unlimited potential and vitality of modern green buildings.

Hina also released a transmission type, color type, hollow type, large, shaped, lightweight, flexible BIPV modules and other types of products, and has adopted management system, building materials, solar cells and many other certification authority. Hina BIPV component also has low-light resistance, good high temperature performance, color, shape can be customized, light uniformity, flexible bendable and other advantages can be in compliance with building safety requirements, as the high-tech materials to provide electricity, while meeting aesthetic needs of all types of building artistic effects and overall coordination and so on.

Hina said that China's energy conservation situation is grim, especially in the development of large-scale development of solar BIPV right time. Our BIPV market has great potential, but in order to be able to represent the Chinese solar companies mature technology, improve services, large-scale development conditions have been met, the time is ripe. I hope the green building concept advocated by APEC conference center will play a leading role model solar energy applications in the construction field.

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